Summer Week Recap #4

Moved this plant to a new spot and it sprouted 3 new leaves.

Went and got a pedicure

We found the bed we wanted for the Nursery/Guest/Craft Room on Facebook market place. It’s a daybed from Ikea that can pull out to a king size bed. I just need to get a comforter for it.

Watched Nelson and we enjoyed a walk around the neighborhood. It was sunny and warm so we tried to stay in the shade.

I think I settled on a chair that I want in the nursery. We will see if I change my mind before we actually buy it.

We drove to Junction for a Family and Friends Baby BBQ Shower. Everything is still very green.

Baby BBQ Shower was lots of fun! Me at 30 weeks pregnant.

On the way home we had a little rain but the rainbow was super bright.