Newborn Photo Session

I knew that I wanted to do a newborn photo session and that we didn’t want to do them ourselves. We did my maternity photos and they turned out amazing and have done other photos but I just knew that it wouldn’t happen if we tried. So I started searching for local people and was having a hard time narrowing it down. I wanted lifestyle not studio and just wasn’t finding exactly what I wanted. Then we found out that our photography friends were moving back to Colorado and I got really excited. They moved back weeks before Juniper was born. Kerinsa has done other pictures for us so I knew that we would love them. Thanks Kerinsa for the amazing photos. You can more of here amazing photos here.

Photos taken by Kerinsa {}

It’s a Girl!

Welcome Juniper Paisley. We kept the gender a surprise and we were totally surprised. Everyone (well almost) thought we were having a boy. Neither Donny nor I had any preference and I really didn’t know what to think. We are loving every minute of having a girl these past four months.